Well we've made it to hump day - hurrah! Today was a bit hectic in some ways, and not in others, but it did mean that I haven't taken many photos so you'll just have to read my ramblings instead.
We all woke up around quarter to eight this morning and came downstairs for our usual breakfast, toast and yoghurt for Chicken, and toast and coffee for me, today I had iced vanilla, man I love our coffee machine!
After Chicken had finished eating I left her in her high chair for five minutes while I tried to tidy up the mess she'd made, but she wasn't having any of it. She shouted and shouted until I conceded defeat and picked up the squirmy peanut butter mess that was my daughter. Turns out she'd done a huge poo-losion and well, who'd be happy if that was in their pants? I began cleaning her up, and then realised that there was just too much yoghurt and peanut butter and toast all over her to be able to do a proper job with just a flannel, so we had a shower together, not ideal, but man that peanut butter is sticky!
We had to be out of the house at 9:45 again so everything was a bit of a mess, but I did manage to put a load of washing on and load the dishwasher. We power walked for half an hour (well I walked, Chicken slept) to a Children's centre, where a friend of mine (who works for the NHS) was running a breast feeding class for pregnant women. After I'd changed out of my walking shoes and stopped looking so red faced we joined the group. My job was to offer the perspective of a new mum who is breastfeeding and encourage these mums to do the same. I also fed Eilidh there, and if the ladies wanted to watch (most don't, I think they're not quite comfortable watching someone in real life do it yet) they could.
Around 1pm we left with plans to go to the park for a swing, but my hay-fever was driving me round the bend so we headed into town to get some tablets. I walked and Chicken slept, if you didn't know, we only have one car which Andrew takes to work, so I go most places on foot. I bought a few things, photo frame for a portrait of Chicken, clothes storage bags for all the clothes shes grown out of, food magazine for me to read and of course the essential hay-fever tablets and tissues.
We went to my favourite cafe for lunch, I had a coffee and a goats cheese and caramelized onion panini and Eilidh had meat mush and fruit mush. She is very good at eating and wolfed it down with occasional squeals to remind her mum to hurry up. After lunch we went to a few Charity shops to look at baby clothes, since they get worn for such a short time I have no problem buying second hand.
I also tried on some clothes for our trip to Vermont next month and decided not to buy anything and do my shopping there. This is Chicken playing with my sunnies in the changing room.
It was about 3pm now so we headed to the supermarket and I got the stuff for our dinner. By now Chicken was being very shouty and the dummy just wasn't cutting it, so out came the snacks, which she is getting very good at eating. We left the supermarket and it had started to spit, and of course I had not brought the rain cover for the pushchair. In fact, I had left it at home on purpose! We got half way before the rain got too heavy to ignore and I had to improvise a cover.

Got home around 4pm and I thought I'd feed Chicken and she'd have her last sleep of the day. I picked her up and found out what all the moaning was about, she was wet! Obviously the nappy I'd put on around 1pm had moved (she's a real wriggler now) or I'd not put in on properly and she had was sitting on wet leggings, poor baby girl! I stripped her off and she had a play (not interested in milk) while I unpacked the groceries and finished my tidying up. Around 5pm we both had a nap, couldn't sleep last night so justified in my book. Then again, who needs to justify a nap! Chicken slept much later than normal - 6:40 and woke up quite cranky, thats what you get when you don't drink your milk on time.
I was half way through giving her dinner, lunch left overs and peach custard when Andrew came home. He took over the feeding and I put some washing out - don't you just love baby clothes all lined up.
Andrew took Chicken up for her bath and I cooked dinner, Gnocchi puttanesca bake, mmmm!
I went up and feed Chicken while dinner finished cooking. It's not often we eat vegetarian but this was yum, the spice from the chilli and the plentiful portion of gnocchi meant I was really full!
I'm now blogging and since our TV refuses to receive a signal Andrew has gone to bed to read, which is where I'm headed now with my magazine, night all!