Sunday 20 February 2011

Friday Five - Baby things I couldn't live without (on a Sunday)

One of the blogs I follow is called Living like the Kings. Kat is also a new mum and writes about her life.  On Friday she wrote a post about the five baby things she couldn't do without, and suggested others do the same, so here goes.  My Friday Five (on a Sunday)

1. Phil and Teds Explorer

I love this pushchair!  It has to be said, its huge, and is heavy to lift, however, it really suits us!  It can be used from birth to four years old and has an attachment where you can add another seat for a second child.  It also has a coffee cup holder, perfect for those afternoon lattes when in town!

2. Star footmuff

This footmuff is great!  It keeps Chicken warm and snug, and will last for ages.  I love the funky design and it really suits both boys and girls.

3. Grans blanket

My fab mother in law Moira knitted this for Chicken.  I'd seen a similar one in a store and took a picture of it on the iPhone and send it to her.  She got knitting and came up with this wonderful creation.  I really love the colours she chose, it was no mean feat considering she didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl!  Its really soft and warm yet light, and I'm sure Chicken will use it for years to come.

4. Prince Lionheart Slumber Bear Plus

This gadget is great, it reproduces a variety of sounds to soothe a baby.  My favourite is the womb noise, but there is also sea, radio static, and classical music.  It also has a sensor that goes on when someone makes a noise or moves.  The womb noise really calms Chicken and helps her to sleep in her moses basket at night, something we found quite challenging to start with.  We don't actually use the bear, just the sensor which sits at the head of her basket.

5.  My iPhone!

While its not a baby product per se, I couldn't be without it, especially at night when I'm feeding Chicken.  Sitting in the semi dark while I breastfeed is a sure fire way to get me to fall asleep.  Having the iPhone on hand is a great way to ensure I stay awake, and its a good way to catch up on gossip, New Zealand news or find out more about babies.  My personal favourite site however, is Mumsnet, I find its full of great advice by real mums for other mums.  Its also got a 5 mega pixel camera that takes good photos!

I'm sure that my five things I can't live without will change, but for now that's me!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you ,Jess. The blanket was made with love and gave me pleasure while I knitted. Really like your blog because I get to see even more of Chicken! Love, Granny


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