Tuesday 16 August 2011

A week in my life - Tuesday

So today is the second day of my week long blog about our daily life.

Today Eilidh woke up at 7am and we came downstairs and had toast and yoghurt for breakfast.
 I had a Flat White (courtesy of the coffee machine we got ourselves for Christmas, its taken me eight months to master it but now I make a mean coffee!)
We had an early start this morning and had to be out of the house at 9:45, Eilidh is watching some TV while I ran around like a headless chook finding the baby wipes.
 My 10am appointment was my Weight Watchers meeting, and I lost two pounds, eleven in total now (5kg in other measurements)  in three weeks, I am so pleased!  After WW I went to my weekly ante-natal group catch up.  Eilidh is playing with P who was born on the same day, in the same hospital as her.  Incidentally P now has three teeth and E is a toothless wonder....
 Usually there are six to eight mums and their babies at our weekly catch up, but for some reason this week we only had three of us, this meant that I could make soup - leek and sweet potato, mmmmmm!
 E spent the afternoon playing with her mini-friends and snoozing in her pushchair, thankfully I have a very easy going baby who sleeps anywhere!
 While E slept I hung out with Miss Molly, my friend Jo's super cute dog, and don't you just love that jug on her hearth!
 This is us just after E woke up, hence the confused face!
 We hung out at Jo's for most of the day and came home around five when Eilidh and I played for a while and then she had a snooze till her Dad came home.  I am always amazed at how she gets so excited when the key turns in the lock!
 Just after Andrew got home we had a conversation about dinner, and it turns out that when you're having fun all day you don't necessarily think about cooking for your husband, ooops!  So we did what all couples with a seven and half month old baby do, go to the bowling alley!
 Tuesdays is half price night at our bowling alley so we played some games and ate some wings.  E is such a good baby when it comes to altering her (non-existent) schedule, she had a great time watching the other bowlers and eating her tea.  She is such a people person.
 I got one strike and a few spares, not as many as I used to (we had lessons a few years back, sad but cool!)
Oops, how did that get in here!

 Not the most healthy of dinners I know, but hey I've got another seven days till WW, bring on my exercise DVD!
 We got home about 10:15 and Chicken slept in the tank AKA the fully reclining pushchair till Andrew took her to bed half an hour ago, which is where I'm headed now, night all!

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