Friday 22 April 2011

Friday Five - New photos

Another Friday Five linking up with Kat at Living like the Kings

Today Andrew's been off work and we've had a nice family day out.  We went to a (very busy) pub by the river and had a drink and we also picked up a new camera!  Last Easter when we were in NZ I rather stupidly left our 'good' camera out overnight on the beach.  I'd been taking pictures of Emma our God-Daughter and then decided to help her build a sandcastle so I put the camera down above the high tide mark.  Then of course it started to rain, really rain!  So what did I do?  I picked Emma up and raced back to the beach house, completely forgetting about the camera.  The next morning I remembered and raced to the beach, and thankfully the camera was still there!  The memory card was saved but the camera of course was full of sand and not working.  So for the last twelve months we've been using our basic point and shoot and our iPhones.  While I'm in NZ Andrew is visiting a good friend in Norway and decided that since we'd both need a camera it was time for the upgrade.  I've been doing lots of research about what sort of camera to buy and finally settle on the Panasonic G10.  So far I'm really pleased and I can't wait to work out how to use it properly!

So for my Friday Five I'm choosing my favourite photos I took today!


  1. Very nice camera!!! And beautiful pictures, your daughter is gorgeous!!!

    And Richie McCaw is gorgeous, as is Dan Carter & most of the All Blacks team :) I think I have a problem when it comes to rugby men!

  2. Love, love polka dots on a baby!

  3. So cute! And I think we have that dress in 3-6 months!! ;)


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