Sunday 3 April 2011

Happy Mother's Day part one

Today I'm going to (attempt) three Mother's day posts, starting with the most important person, my mum, AKA Marg G!

This is Mum and I on my wedding day just over two years ago.  This was taken before the ceremony and boy was I nervous, Mum looks great, I'm a wreck, hence the nervous smile!

My mum is amazing, I've known this for a while, you see she organised our whole wedding in NZ and we flew in ten days before to find it all but done.  Mum said it was easy up until when we arrived!  Mum is also amazing because she doesn't mind (too much) that her baby (me) has chosen to live on the other side of the world for the past six years.   She even came to visit me in 2007 and we had a great trip around Ireland, Scotland and Belgium. 
 Cycling in Belgium.
Sampling the goods at the Guinness factory in Dublin.
Standing on the Swilken bridge on the Old Course at St Andrew's (the home of golf!)
On a tour of Wimbledon tennis centre.

 Now I have my little girl, and G has two little girls its a lot harder on both of us, I miss her like crazy!
Mum came to stay with us for three weeks when Chicken was a newborn and it was amazing, she cooked, cleaned, cuddled, read, rocked and generally looked after the both of us. 

Mum and I Skype around three times a week and now Chicken is older and has more strength in her head she can lean against a pillow and 'chat' to her Nana.  And the best thing is that in 22 days I'll get to see her (and Dad) in NZ-that's right I'm taking Chicken home for a visit, thanks Mum!!

The main reason my mum is so amazing is that she has shown me how to be a mum, and if I can be half as good as she is I'll be a great mum too!  Happy Mothers Day G-Dog, love you heaps!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jess what a lovely tribute to your Ma! She is a great lady I totally agree!



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